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With the growing demand for customized software in the Australian market, agencies are looking to find a development methodology that suits their requirements. These methods are utilized in both software development and engineering to build a solution. Most people in the IT field have heard the term agile or waterfall, but they don’t know the meaning or functionalities behind it.

With this blog, we will provide top custom software development methodologies list that are being used in Australia. We will explain the software development approach and provide a detailed overview of the pros and cons of this method.

Before we begin, let’s first understand what software development methodology is. Once we have a basic understanding of various custom software development techniques, we can move forward with learning about best development approaches.


What is Software Development Methodology?

Software development is a complex process that requires careful planning, execution, and monitoring. Various methodologies have been developed to navigate this complexity to provide structure and guidance throughout the software development lifecycle. These project development methodologies act as frameworks, outlining best practices and approaches for each stage, from initial conception to final deployment.

The choice of a specific methodology depends on the unique characteristics of each project. Factors such as project size, team composition, and desired level of flexibility all play a role in determining the most suitable approach.

Software Development Methodology Statistics

  • According to the Australian Software Developers Survey in 2023, 78% of respondents reported using Agile methodologies in their current workplaces. Scrum was the most popular methodology (60%), followed by Kanban (15%).
  • According to Markets and Markets, the DevOps market size is expected to reach USD 20.3 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 18.3%.
  • 55% of Australian organizations use a hybrid approach to Agile.
  • Government agencies and large enterprises are still transitioning towards Agile, with potential concerns about standardization and compliance hindering adoption.

How do I Select the Appropriate Software Methodology for My Project?

Choosing the right software development methodology is paramount for the project’s success. It affects the duration and cost of the project, along with quality and client satisfaction. Here are some points to follow to ensure you choose the correct methodology.

  • Think about project complexity and size and find a methodology for software development that best fits your needs. For example, long projects need structured methods like a waterfall, and for small projects, we can use Kanban and others.
  • A software development approach decides the flexibility for the iteration. For example, the agile development model is a bit more flexible compared to the waterfall.
  • If we make software development methodologies comparison and contrast different methodologies to see which one best aligns with your project requirements.
  • To find the best suitable option from different software development methodology, apply it in the small pilot project. Assess the result and implement it in your next project.
  • Different methodologies require different investments in training, tools, and resources. Choose a methodology that fits your budget and timeline constraints.

Top 10 Custom Software Development Methodology of 2024

Custom software requires a roadmap for better quality and outcomes and methodology are the way to accomplish that. Here are top software development methodologies for

Agile Development Methodology

Agile Development Methodology

Agile methodology is a project management approach that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and rapid delivery of working software. It is an iterative and incremental method that breaks down projects into smaller, more manageable tasks, known as sprints. Each sprint has a specific goal and focuses on delivering a specific set of features or functionalities, making it easier to track progress and ensure the project stays on track. The agile model is used by some of the best software development companies in Australia as it enables productivity and reduces time to market.

Agile development process is designed to promote continuous improvement, allowing teams to adapt to changing requirements and feedback from stakeholders. Additionally, it strongly emphasises collaboration, encouraging team members to work together to achieve shared goals. This approach has proven to be highly effective for software development projects, as it allows teams to respond quickly to changing market conditions and customer needs. They are also used in mobile app development methodology due to their efficiency.

Agile Methodology Pros

  • Its iterative development approach enables quicker delivery of working software, allowing teams to learn from user feedback and adapt the product accordingly.
  • Agile teams can easily adapt to changing requirements and priorities due to the short sprint cycles and continuous feedback loops.
  • The focus on testing and collaboration throughout the software development process helps identify and address issues early and promotes teamwork and communication.
  • Agile’s focus on delivering value early and often ensures that customers receive a product that meets their needs and expectations.

Agile Methodology Cons

Agile development methodologies require a strong team culture built on trust, communication, and collaboration. This can be challenging for teams without the necessary skills or experience.

Implementing agile methodology requires upfront investment in planning, training, and establishing the right tools and processes.

Agile projects can be challenging to track and measure due to their iterative nature and focus on continuous change.

It may be unsuitable for large, complex projects with many dependencies or strict regulatory requirements.

Waterfall Development Methodology

Waterfall is a one of the best software development processes that follows a linear and sequential approach. It divides the project into different phases, where each subsequent phase depends on the successful completion of the previous one. It follows a fixed order that typically includes requirements, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance. Unlike Agile methodologies, Waterfall does not allow for iterative development and revisiting past phases.

Each stage must be fully completed before progressing further, leading to less flexibility but improved predictability. Although Waterfall provides upfront clarity on project scope and requirements, its downsides include limited adaptability to changes and the risk of delayed issue identification until the testing phase. Just like agile, most app development agency uses it for mobile app development methodology.

Waterfall Methodology Pros

  • Each phase has a defined deliverable and exit criteria, making tracking progress and managing expectations easy.
  • The clear structure and defined roles make delegating tasks and managing dependencies easy.
  • Waterfall is a good choice for projects with well-defined requirements and low uncertainty.
  • The emphasis on documentation ensures that all project decisions and rationale are well-documented.

Waterfall Methodology Cons

  • Changes to requirements are difficult and expensive to implement once a phase is underway.
  • The sequential nature of Waterfall can lead to long development times and delays in delivering working software.
  • Users do not see the software until the final stages of development, making it difficult to incorporate their feedback early in the process.
  • Errors and defects can be difficult to identify and fix until the late stages of the project, leading to costly rework.

DevOps Software Development Approach

DevOps is a new approach to project development methodology that promotes collaboration and communication between development and operations teams. This approach involves continuous integration, automated testing, and rapid delivery of software to customers. DevOps encourages developers and operations teams to work together, share feedback, and take responsibility for software quality.

This approach leads to more transparency and flexibility, allowing teams to quickly adapt to changing business needs and deploy software. By automating workflows and continuously improving processes, DevOps helps teams streamline their work and identify problems early. This software development model leads to better efficiency, lower costs, and improved customer satisfaction.

DevOps Model Pros

  • DevOps helps deliver software and applications faster by automating tasks and reducing manual effort.
  • Continuous integration and testing help identify and fix bugs quickly, leading to higher-quality software.
  • DevOps breaks down silos and encourages collaboration between development and operations teams.
  • It enables teams to adapt to changing requirements and quickly respond to market demands.
  • Automation and streamlined processes can help reduce the operating cost of custom software development.

DevOps Model Cons

  • Implementing DevOps requires a cultural shift from traditional silos to a more collaborative approach.
  • DevOps tools and processes requires an initial investment in training and infrastructure.
  • The teams need skilled professionals who can work across development and operations disciplines.
  • DevOps may not be suitable for all projects, especially those with simple requirements or limited resources.

Scrum Development Framework

Scrum Development Framework

Scrum is a way of managing projects focusing on software development flexibility and teamwork. The idea is to break the project down into small, functional parts that can be worked on in short bursts. This allows for continuous improvement and the ability to adapt to changes quickly. The key to Scrum’s software engineering methodology is having a self-organising and cross-functional team, meaning that everyone works together to deliver high-value features within each small part of the project. This helps everyone feel responsible and accountable throughout the software development process.

The Scrum framework includes three roles, the Product Owner, the Scrum Master, and the Development Team. Each role is important for communication, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Regular meetings, called ceremonies, are part of the Scrum process. These meetings include Sprint Planning, Daily Stand-ups, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective. They provide opportunities for teams to plan, collaborate, review progress, reflect, and adapt their approach to ensure alignment with evolving project requirements.

Scrum Framework Pros

  • This custom development methodology allows teams to adapt to changing requirements quickly.
  • Continuous integration and testing throughout the sprint cycles help identify and fix bugs early.
  • Scrum encourages close collaboration between team members and stakeholders.
  • Using artifacts and events ensures everyone is aware of the project’s progress and priorities.
  • Scrum helps teams deliver working software quickly and iteratively.

Scrum Framework Cons

  • Scrum relies on collaboration and trust, which requires a strong team culture.
  • Implementing Scrum requires upfront training and investment in tools and processes.
  • Scrum may be unsuitable for highly regulated industries or projects with strict deadlines and requirements.

Kanban Software Development Model

Kanban is a simple, visual way to manage projects and software development that focuses on delivering work continuously. It uses a board to show the workflow, with tasks moving smoothly through different stages. This makes it easy to see what’s happening and quickly make changes.

The most important rule of Kanban is to limit work in progress and adjust to changes as they come up. This creates a responsive, customer-focused environment that’s perfect for projects with shifting priorities and changing requirements. Kanban is based on lean principles and designed to be efficient, adaptable, and transparent. By using Kanban’s software development methodology, teams can optimize their processes in real-time and deliver better results.

Kanban Methodology Pros

  • Kanban provides a visual representation of the workflow, making it easier to understand the status of work and identify bottlenecks.
  • It helps optimise workflow by limiting work-in-progress and ensuring that work is completed efficiently.
  • Kanban is flexible and can be adapted to the specific needs of the team and the project.
  • With Kanban development model, it encourages teams to continuously improve their processes and workflow.
  • Kanban helps to reduce risk by limiting the amount of work in progress and ensuring that work is completed quickly and efficiently.

Kanban Methodology Cons

  • It requires discipline to maintain the Kanban board and follow the workflow process.
  • Kanban may not be suitable for projects with strict deadlines or requirements.
  • they provide less control over the project than other methodologies, such as Scrum.

Joint Application Development Method

Joint Application Development (JAD) is a latest software development method involving key stakeholders, including end-users, in the requirements-gathering process. This approach helps to ensure that everyone working on the project understands the goals and priorities. JAD sessions use facilitated discussions and group decision-making to encourage open communication and collaboration.

Stakeholders can provide feedback and build consensus on important project aspects. This helps to create more accurate and complete requirements, resulting in higher-quality software. By involving stakeholders early in the development process, JAD software development methodology promotes alignment between users and developers and reduces the risk of miscommunication or rework. JAD in software engineering provide solution to complex project.

JAD Method Pros

  • JAD ensures that the final product meets the needs of the users.
  • It helps break down silos between departments and encourages collaboration.
  • It helps to identify and address risks early in the development process.
  • Joint Application Development method can help to reduce development time and costs by identifying and resolving issues early on.
  • JAD is flexible and can be adapted to the project’s specific needs.

JAD Method Cons

  • JAD workshops can be time-consuming, especially for large projects.
  • A skilled facilitator is essential to keep the workshops focused and productive.
  • JAD may not be suitable for projects with complex or highly technical requirements.


Rapid Application Development Methodology

It is a new software development methodology that focuses on fast-paced iteration, swift feedback, and collaboration between cross-functional teams and end-users. With RAD, developers prioritize delivering functional prototypes quickly rather than spending extensive time on upfront planning. RAD’s iterative development methodology enables real-time user input to be incorporated into the design process, which fosters a flexible and adaptable approach.

This allows for rapid adjustments based on user feedback, minimizing wasted time and effort and ensuring the final product matches user needs. RAD is particularly useful for projects with evolving requirements and tight time-to-market constraints. RAD’s agile framework allows teams to work quickly and adapt to changes, delivering high-quality software within a compressed timeframe. This makes RAD a valuable tool for organizations seeking to maximize their agility and responsiveness in today’s dynamic landscape.

RAD Methodology Pros

  • RAD allows for the quick delivery of working software, enabling companies to respond to market opportunities and gain a competitive edge.
  • Its focus on early and frequent user feedback ensures that the final product meets their needs and expectations.
  • RAD allows for early identification and correction of issues, mitigating potential risks and ensuring project success.
  • It adapts to changing requirements and adapts to evolving needs.
  • RAD’s structured approach and use of tools and automation streamlines the development process and improves team productivity.

RAD Methodology Cons

  • RAD may not be appropriate for large or complex projects with intricate requirements and dependencies.
  • It requires a strong team culture that values collaboration, communication, and flexibility.
  • RAD’s focus on speed may lead to less comprehensive documentation, which can be challenging for future maintenance and support.

Extreme Programming Methodology

Extreme Programming (XP) is a flexible software development approach that puts emphasis on customer satisfaction. It encourages collaboration, adaptability, and simplicity. XP involves continuous feedback, frequent releases, and communication between developers and customers.

The focus is on meeting customer needs and being able to make changes along the way. XP’s software development methodology achieves this by using regular testing and refactoring to deliver high-quality software. XP promotes teamwork, flexibility, and responsiveness, which enhances the efficiency of development processes and the overall quality of the software delivered.

XP Methodology Pros

  • Frequent releases and continuous feedback allow for quick delivery of working software.
  • Test-driven development and collective code ownership ensure high-quality software.
  • XP is well-suited for projects with changing requirements due to its iterative nature and emphasis on feedback.
  • Pairing, collective code ownership, and simple design promote collaboration and knowledge sharing within the team.
  • XP fosters a positive and supportive work environment.

XP Methodology Cons

  • XP requires a dedicated and disciplined team comfortable with collaboration, open communication, and rapid change.
  • Implementing XP requires upfront training for team members and investment in tools and processes.
  • XP may not be appropriate for large and complex projects with strict regulations or long-term commitments.

Lean Software Development Model

Lean Software Development is a method inspired by lean manufacturing principles. It aims to create a more efficient, valuable, and continuously improving software development process. The method focuses on eliminating waste, optimizing resources, and delivering maximum value to the customer.

To achieve this, Lean encourages iterative development, quick feedback loops, and the elimination of non-essential activities. The key principles of Lean Software Development methodology are minimizing delays, empowering teams, and prioritizing customer needs. Ultimately, the method aims to deliver high-quality software with the least amount of resources and effort.

Lean Development Model Pros

  • Delivering software in small, frequent increments reduces the time it takes to get working software into the hands of users.
  • Building quality and eliminating waste reduces the number of defects and improves software quality.
  • Delaying commitment allows for adaptability to changing requirements and priorities.
  • Empowering individuals and teams lead to increased ownership, satisfaction, and productivity.
  • Eliminating waste and focusing on value delivery can help to reduce costs and improve ROI.

Lean Development Model Cons

  • Implementing LSD requires a shift from traditional, siloed development processes to a more collaborative and iterative approach.
  • Implementing LSD tools and processes may require an initial investment in training and infrastructure.
  • LSD may not be suitable for large and complex projects with strict regulations or long-term commitments.
  • Successful implementation of LSD requires strong leadership that can champion the approach and guide the team through the changes.

Feature-Driven Development Method

Feature-Driven Development (FDD) is an approach to software development that focuses on delivering tangible features that clients value. Jeff De Luca and Peter Coad created FDD. The development process is broken down into smaller, incremental parts, with each feature being identified, designed, and built separately.

FDD emphasizes the importance of collaboration and communication among teams of different skill sets. Regular inspection and adaptation are important to continuously improve the development process. This method is particularly useful for large-scale projects and promotes a systematic and client-oriented approach to software development methodology.

FDD Methodology Pros

  • FDD helps to deliver working software quickly and efficiently by focusing on features that deliver value.
  • Continuous testing and refactoring help to ensure that features are high-quality and meet user needs.
  • Feature-Driven Development methodology adapts to changing requirements, as features can be added, removed, or modified throughout development.
  • FDD encourages collaboration between developers and business stakeholders, leading to better understanding and alignment.
  • By delivering features in short cycles, FDD helps identify and address risks early in development.

FDD Methodology Cons

  • FDD requires a team that is comfortable with collaboration, communication, and rapid change.
  • Implementing FDD requires upfront training for team members and investment in tools and processes.
  • FDD may be unsuitable for small projects or projects with simple requirements.
  • A comprehensive system model is essential for successful FDD implementation.

Final Words: Which Custom Software Development Methodology is the best?

With the new and emerging technologies on the horizon, businesses are looking for a dynamic approach to building software. To accomplish this task, they need a perfect software development methodology that fits their project perfectly and ensures better results. This blog has provided detailed information on 10 software development methodologies with their benefits and drawbacks.

However, we can easily choose agile if we boil down and choose the best software development techniques. According to three surveys by VersionOne, PMI’s Pulse of the Profession and Parabol, most Australian businesses utilize Agile development methodology for most projects.

Why Choose Vrinsoft for Custom Software Development?

We are a leading software development company in Australia, based in Melbourne, with a demonstrated history of successful project completion. We use agile methodology for most software development; however, based on the demand, we implement as per requirements. Connect with us today and learn about our custom software development approach.

FAQs for Choosing Software Development Methodology

How do I choose the best software development methodology?

Choosing the right development methodology depends on various factors, such as project size and complexity, team size and experience, flexibility and budget. First, overview the key factors and choose a development approach that best fits your needs.

What are some tips to help implement software development methodology?

One of the first things to do is to start small. Use a methodology for a small project. This will allow your team to understand the concept of this methodology and allow them to adjust. Make sure to clearly define roles and responsibilities for your team based on your methodology. Make sure to monitor the process and adapt based on the process.

What are the benefits of using software development methodology?

Using the right custom software development methodology can make a huge difference in your development process. It will remove all the obstacles and allow the team to iterate, ensuring faster market time quickly. By following every step, it will improve the quality of work. This will also enhance team collaboration and allow for better flexibility. Quality control and interaction at every stage will provide a better client experience.

Which one is a better software development approach agile vs waterfall?

The two most popular software development methodologies are Agile and Waterfall. Agile is an iterative and incremental approach that focuses on delivering working software in short cycles. Waterfall is a more traditional approach that follows a linear, phase-gated process. They both have some benefits and drawbacks, so you can choose them based on your project requirements.

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